Financial Library

Advice to a Future Widow

Most wives outlive their husbands. Women live longer than men the same age and tend to marry men who are older than they are. So, if you're a wife, it is more likely you will become a widow than your husband becoming a widower.

Knowing this, how can you prepare for it?

First of all, when widowhood strikes, don't do anything drastic. Do not sell the house or car. Don't decide to move to another town. You have just suffered a very traumatic experience and your system needs time to adjust to it. Take your time.

Our Cross-Country Summer Trip

We had a great August this year with a big drive from Calgary to Southern Ontario. We got to spend some time with friends along the way in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Once we got East of Winnipeg, we were exploring new territory and got to see a lot of places we'd never been to like Thunder Bay and Sudbury, Ontario. We visited some of Natalie's cousins in the Collingwood area and spent a few days in the GTA. We even got to visit Portfolio Strategies Head Office in downtown Toronto.

Dealing with a Family Cottage

When Jesse and Kae Burke purchased a vacation cottage 30 years ago, they knew it was a good investment, but creating time for family was their primary goal. Indeed, the property value had appreciated considerably, but more importantly, it had given them a lifetime of memories with their children and, more recently, their grandchildren.

A Hot, Hot July

Not only have we had some very hot weather this summer, but we also had a hot Stock Market in the month of July. This was a welcome rally as 2022 has been a very challenging year. July wasn't just a good month either, it was the one of best months we've had in a couple of years. In fact, the US market had the best month since November of 20201. Earnings reports were generally good and while inflation continues to be a serious challenge, unemployment in Canada and the United States continued to stay at or around historic lows2.

A Tough First Half to 2022

It's been frustrating to have to report bad news in a number of newsletters this year but anyone who knows me knows that I won't try to gloss over things. 2022 has been a tough year with War in Europe, Rising Prices across the Globe, Labour Shortages, Supply Chain Issues, and now, Higher Interest Rates. It has been a very hard year to navigate through. In fact, it has been the worst first six months to a year on the Stock Market since 19621.
