Financial Library

Now is the Time to be Especially Wary

Now is the Time to be Especially Wary

Uncertain economic times and rising rates of unemployment often create a new breed of desperate people. Some turn to frauds and scams as a way out of their troubles. Others become more susceptible to schemes promising to help but, instead, getting bilked out of their dwindling cash reserves. Challenging times tend to bring more frauds and scams out of the woodwork.

Personal Finance & Job Transfers

These days, having a career presents many more new rewards and challenges than it ever used to. What we used to take for granted – including our work location – can sometimes change dramatically as companies continue to change and adapt to new economic situations.

This can be great for a business and its bottom line, but really tough on the employees within it. Because we never know exactly what the future holds, you may find yourself facing a job transfer at some point along your career path.

RRSP Season, TFSA Contribution Room & Documents for Income Tax

RRSP, TFSA, Documents for Income Tax | Borden Financial Services

We are now getting close to that RRSP Deadline of February 29th, so it will be important to get any RRSP Contributions in before then. We have a number of options for getting these in and Natalie and I will help wherever we can. For those of you who have a Nominee Plan at Portfolio Strategies, you can use Online Banking to add to your RRSP which is a quick and easy way to add to your plan. Clients can also contribute to their Nominee Tax Free Savings Accounts using Online Banking. Just let us know if you need any guidance on this system.


Maximizing Your Retirement

Bob and Lisa are wondering just how their retirement will turn out. After all that's happened over the past few years, their RRSP accounts haven't grown as much as they had expected. Even in the best of times, they weren't saving as much as they could have been, at least for all their post-retirement desires.

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024!!!

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024!!

As we've done for a number of years in a row now, we took some time out of the office while the girls were on their Winter Break. We had a nice time together and got some visits in with some friends and family. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! We now go into our busiest time of the year and won't get another break in until the end of March. We're going straight into RRSP Season which is always a busy couple of months for us. We'll also be busy with TFSA and RESP Contributions as there will be more room for those now that we are in the New Year.

Make 2024 Your Best Financial Year Yet

Make 2024 Your Best Financial Year Yet

Many of us reflect on our yearly financial goals as the calendar turns to a New Year. But bringing goals to fruition can't happen without a clear plan of action and determined effort. This is especially true as we continue to live with lingering effects of above-average inflation and the highest interest rates in over 20 years. To help maximize your investment success and end this year on a financially positive note, we have put together some key ideas:
