Financial Library

A Fresh Look at RRSPs vs. TFSAs

A Fresh Look at RRSPs vs. TFSAs

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) contribution limit has increased to $7,000 (from $6,500) for 2024. This new limit means that a taxpayer who has never contributed to a TFSA and has been eligible for one since its inception will have a cumulative contribution room of $95,000. TFSAs are now a serious portfolio and investment planning alternative to making RRSP contributions. So, which is better you ask? Well, it depends…

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024!!!

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024!!

As we've done for a number of years in a row now, we took some time out of the office while the girls were on their Winter Break. We had a nice time together and got some visits in with some friends and family. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! We now go into our busiest time of the year and won't get another break in until the end of March. We're going straight into RRSP Season which is always a busy couple of months for us. We'll also be busy with TFSA and RESP Contributions as there will be more room for those now that we are in the New Year.

Lessons Learned from the Wealthy

Most people want to be wealthy, or at least financially independent. The sad truth is that very few people are financially independent when they reach retirement. The rest are dependent to some extent on others or government benefits for their daily money needs.

Far too many people today live a lifestyle that is under a mountain of consumer debt. In many cases, that debt follows them into retirement. There are simple strategies to achieve financial independence; however, they may not necessarily be easy to follow.

Avoid the Boomer-Widow Financial Syndrome

It is seldom planned or wished for, but it is a reality and something that requires discussion - the illness and/or death of a spouse or partner. As the so-called Baby Boomer generation ages, there is a marked increase in widows suddenly left with financial situations that they do not fully understand. There are others who are forced to financially self-educate while providing quality of care for a partner that previously, and perhaps solely, took care of that role.

These Rainy Days Aren't About the Weather

The last year or so has been a very rude awakening for many. Too many people today are so busy living a lifestyle, they forget that emergencies may need to be dealt with. It's all too easy to take one's cash flow for granted and get lulled into the belief that it will go on uninterrupted. Those who are best able to handle the financial rainy days that inevitably come along are in the habit of living well below their means and paying themselves first.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!!

As 2023 winds down and we get ready for the Holidays, Natalie and I would like to wish you all a wonderful finish to the year. As many of you probably remember, we try to match up our Christmas Holidays with the girls' winter break. This year, I will be out of the office starting on December 20th. We plan to get back to it on Monday, January 8th, 2024. Christmas is always a nice chance for us to spend quality time with our daughters. Please get in touch with us before or after this period if you need anything.
