Merry Christmas!

2016 certainly has been a roller coaster ride and I’ve got to admit, a bit exhausting! We’ve seen some big surprises and maybe surprisingly, a healthy stock market this year. It is looking like we’ll finish off the year in positive territory even with Oil starting 2016 in almost a free fall, the UK voting to leave the European Union and Donald Trump as the President Elect. I don’t think many would have predicted all that in one calendar year but I guess if there was ever a time to be optimistic, it is the Holiday Season!

Going into the New Year, we thought that it would be a good idea to thank our clients for putting their trust in us. We’ve been very fortunate to have received many referrals over the last couple of years. We’ve actually ended up with so many referrals recently that we feel that we should slow down on how many new people we’re taking on. It is very important to us to be able to maintain good service for our existing clients so as much as we’d like to continue taking on new clients, we are at the point where we need to be more geographically selective in who we’re taking on going forward.

Natalie and I have had a number of discussions and have made a plan for 2017. We’ve decided that it is best to only take on new clients that are within 10 or 15 minutes from our home in McKenzie Towne. This certainly does not mean that we won’t be working with existing clients that are further away! It has simply come down to the reality that I am on the road a lot. We’re going to try to do more visits at the Home Office next year so that I can be home for more suppers and help out more regularly with the bedtime routine. It will be business as usual for all of you. The only difference will be for any clients I take on after January 1st. Please feel free to contact either Natalie or myself if you have any questions.

On behalf of our whole family, we wish you a Safe & Happy Holiday Season!

Bryce A. Borden