Financial Library

Summer is Here!

We've been enjoying some nice hot weather here in Calgary and looking forward to some Summer Holidays at the end of the month. The girls will be finishing up school for the year in the next couple of weeks. They're looking forward to some Daddy-Daughter Time so we'll take some time off to get some family time in. I've been working some pretty crazy hours so I owe it to the girls to spend some serious time with them! We plan on doing a Staycation for part of our time and also spending some time in BC. Natalie and I plan on being out of the office from June 29th to July 12th.

A Lot Going On in the World

There’s been so much to talk about over the last twelve months that it’s hard to keep up! While the Stock Market has risen nicely since February of 2016, it hasn’t moved in a very straight line and it sure has come with a few bumps along the way. About this time last year, we were gearing up for a vote in the UK on whether they would stay in the European Union. The polls did not get the outcome of that vote correct and Great Britain voted to exit from the Union.

Long-Term Care Solutions

Long-Term Care Solutions

There is a common misconception that, if left unaddressed, can having a devastating effect an individual’s long-term financial well-being. It is the belief that long-term care costs are fully covered by provincial health care plans if you or a loved one ever need this special type of care.


Unfortunately, this is simply not the case. While programs do exist to cover some needs like these, most of the burden of long-term care costs usually fall to the individual or their family members.

Critical Tips for Avoiding Identity Theft

Critical Tips for Avoiding Identity Theft

No one wants to think about having their identity stolen or experiencing a theft of their finances. It is unpleasant, distasteful, and often feels like the type of thing that happens to other people, not to ourselves.

The sad truth is that, every single year, identity theft crimes result in billions of dollars lost by individuals just like you. Unfortunately, those numbers are expected to continue rising in the future.

Your Most Valuable Asset

What is your most valuable asset? Many people will think about this question and come up with a variety of answers, but most people will likely say their home is their most valuable asset, while others may say a business they own or a retirement portfolio.

But for some people, understanding the answer to this question comes too late. Without warning, bad health can take its toll which can leave you disabled or severely ill and unable to continue with your everyday responsibilities.

